presentations, e-learning & powerpoint video content
Enhance your PowerPoint presentations with video and artwork, get a bespoke animated video presentation or add content to your e-learning training modules.

Presentation content
1- 2 days spent refreshing slides, remaking any nessesary graphics and charts, and upgrading anything we can in the time given to make the deck look and feel brand new.
We'll enhance the clarity, consistency, and aesthetics, ensuring your presentation leaves a lasting impression.

Bespoke presentation
Creation of a new Powerpoint deck, create intro video animations, bespoke artwork, interactive menu systems, graphics, images charts and 3d renderings.
Impress your collegues, partners and potential clients with stand out bespoke design solutions.

e-Learning Content
Creating video and animation content to augment existing in-house e-learning modules for corporate training , HR compliance and ethics courses.
We deliver impactful content that fosters knowledge acquisition and promotes learner engagement.
Captivate your audience
From the moment your clients walk through the door, they're assessing your business and comparing it to the competition. That's why we're here to provide you with an on-brand, captivating presentation that sets you apart from the pack and leaves a lasting impression for all the right reasons.
While it's tempting to pack a slide with information, we find that a tight focus on the essential core messages,
results in a more powerful, and memorable experience.
Think of a slide's content as a punctuation mark - a brief, impactful statement that the client can easily absorb. This provides a clear visual cue for the presenter, who can then offer their own expertise and knowledge to enrich the message.
Once we've established the content, we can then move on to creating any necessary logo intros, animations, diagrams, charts, and artwork to populate the deck.
With a focus on clean, effective design, these elements work together to make your presentation engaging, clear, and unforgettable.
Of course, being a presenter can be daunting, even under the best of circumstances. That's why it's so important to have a presentation that you feel confident and proud to deliver. By putting you at ease with a quality deck, we turn the entire experience into a more enjoyable and effective one for everyone involved.
If you're interested in learning more, contact us now.
Animation and video in eLearning is an incredibly effective tool for learners. Without having to read reams of text with dull images, motion graphics helps to quickly get information across, in an easily understood way.
Also, if the learner isn't stimulated by the content, they will quickly tune-out and just want to get to the end without having retained any of the module you spend so much time, money and effort creating.
Many companies have the main content already but just need help adding that last crucial visual component.
We can create a variety of animations, explainers and case study videos, using bespoke illustration, shot video, stock video assets and motion graphics.
We can also arrange video shoots to add that vital human element to your modules, creating a connection between the learner and the content.
You can have key personel welcome new learners to the courses with intro videos. Collegues can give real world testimonials of issues they have faced in the workplace. Or you can use it to demonstrate equipment, products, techniques and services. All of which can be augmented with on-screen text, animation, subtitles and graphics.
All these formats give your learners a better educational experience, a higher chance of passing the module first time, and to retain that vital information for longer.
For more info call now or use the online form.
case studies
Here are a few examples of some recent presentation projects. Click the image to enlarge.
Interactive presentation to be used on a touch-screen kiosk for the Ricardo HQ's museum.
To create an easily navigatable, slick and well designed experience to reflect the clients own pursuit of form, function and performance. Take the user on a journey of Ricardo's rich motoring history.
Creation of kiosk mode PowerPoint presentation, with bespoke artwork, 3D renderings, videos, animation, logo intros and audio design. Used by approx 50,000 people in its first year.

Financial Times
A high-end accompaniment to a large, keynote speech
Engaging the audience and re-enforcing the data and messages being delivered but without taking too much spotlight away from the speaker.
Created a 30 minute deck of slides, containing an intro video, then a series of high-end animations, graphs and charts, all controlled on remote click to seemlessly transition into one another.

American Express
2.5 minute AMEX timeline explainer for international
e-learning company LRN.
To take the viewer through a history of American Express and their services from the 1850's to modern day.
Produced a fun, fast moving and easily understood animation, taking the viewer through the timeline.
Used a combination of motion graphics, supplied vector illustrations, 2.5D animation and motion graphics.
Animated product videos, e-learning animations,
internal comm videos and explainers.
Keeping the tone and branding consistant for over 20 years of working with the client: all the while keeping the style and content fresh and engaging.
Created a variety of easy to follow, slick animations, for internal website content, internal comms videos, presentations and animated display content.

Atomo Diagnostics
Product explainer 3D animation
3D Product visualisation artwork
To explain as simply as possible the steps involved for the correct operation of a quick and easy covid testing device.
Produced a quick and easily understood animation, taking the viewer through the 3 steps needed to operate the units successfully. Used a combination of shot studio footage, motion graphics and 3D animation.
presentation tips
Here are some things to think about before you start your project

Where will you be making your presentation?
what kind of atmosphere do you wish to create?
can you do anything to change the arrangement of the room to suit your objectives?
what audio-visual hardware can you use and is your computer ok and powerful enough?
What do you want to achieve?
what are the main 3 points you want your audience to understand?
what action do you want your audience to take following your presentation?
what do you think your presentation needs to meet your objectives?
Who are you presenting to?
how much will they already know?
what might help them understand?
technical jargon or clear practical explanations?